The Head to Head mode is a quick and easy way to play ADRENALYN XL™. You can start playing right away by using your existing ADRENALYN XL™ squad.
After some matches you might want to optimize your squad towards the special game rules of this mode: When playing the Head to Head mode only your goalkeeper and all of your field players will be used - the subs will be out of the match and your squad's formation is irrelevant too.
Each player card has three different values: attack, defense and game control. Sometimes the sum of these three values is also important. When you add player cards to your virtual binder in the online game, you can use them in both Classic and Head to Head modes.
Start of the match
In each match, two players compete against each other. Each player starts with the goalie and all ten field players in hand. The opponent's cards remain concealed.
Match rounds
End of match
The match ends after a maximum of 11 rounds, as each player plays exactly one card in each round. A maximum of one point can be scored in each round. If a player leads uncatchable, the game is automatically ended. In addition, any of the players can give up early.